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How It Works

An overview


The keyword which has a major influence on the outcome of design questions in the Maverick OS project, is modularity. If the OS is modular it also makes it very flexible and scalable, two of the primary project goals.

Maverick OS uses a strictly defined interface between each module. This way the developers of the Memory Management Modules (MMM) knows which functions call they must provide and the callie knows which answers to expect from the function calls. Using the interfaces the MMM can choose to use paging, support segmented memory or use protection, the other modules don't care because they just use the appropriate function calls. Another way to put it, is that the way any function call is executed must be transparent to the callie.


The system is considered to be a collection of subsystems. Each subsystem has a logical set of functions it must provide to the other parts of the system. An example is the Storage Subsystem. As the name indicates, it provides all the storage functions in the system. The other parts of the system uses the Virtual File System (VFS) to select files from the Storage Subsystem. Here is a list of subsystems described in greater details:

List of described subsystem
SubsystemBrief Description
Multitasking This subsystem is reposible of
Maverick API
Communication IO
Storage IO